How to Set & Keep Your Goals for the New Year
Ephesians 1:18 “ your eyes focused and clear, so that you can see exactly what it is he is calling you to do”
No one is exactly sure what the New Year holds for them, but for many, it is a time for hope and change. For many others, it is a time for reflection and recommitment to their goals and resolutions. Regardless of what the New Year may bring, it is important to set some new God-sized goals for oneself, in partnership with God and to make sure that they are achievable.
Setting goals is one of the most important things that a person can do in order to achieve success. When a person has goals, they have a plan and a destination. This is important because it allows a person to focus on what they need to do in order to reach their goal and to avoid getting sidetracked. The most important resource I can send you to here is James Clear’s Atomic Habits. This book, in partnership with clear goals will accelerate your life in leaps and bounds.
When a person sets goals, they also have a sense of accomplishment. The dopamine reward system is intrinsically linked to accomplishment of tasks and goals. For this reason, setting up bite size small daily tasks that further us towards our goals is key. It is rewarding along the way.
Below are downloadable printouts I have used myself this past year. Use these prompts to prayerfully walk through Past, Present and future with God to ask in surrender to partner for new blessings in the New Year.
In your prayer journal begin with these sentence prompts.
Next, in each area of this printout begin to identify which areas you are satisfied with in your life, and which you would like to improve. This work is from Vishen, who you can find as a resource on Instagram.
Now that you have identified each area that you would like to improve and listed your goals for each area, the most critical part is taking one tiny piece of action for each area.
List the small action step you will take and TAKE IT. Once you have taken that step, I want you to assign someone as your goal accountability buddy, and text them that you took that step. It is a fool proof way to satiate the pleasure and reward centers of our brain while receiving connection and support from a friend.
This will be your new system of how to partner in prayer and reflection on the areas you’d like to improve, ask God to partner with you, and take these action steps!
Get out there!